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Game Details
Get higher odds at WINNING when you play our EverLOT games
Similar to traditional lotto, EverLOT differs by gathering the winning number results of official international lotto games instead of being randomly generated in-house. Pick out as many numbers as you want, from 1 to 49 off our EverLOT cards. WIN with every match made on any of the 6 winning numbers, and bonus number of the corresponding EverLOT game. Additional features include betting options similar to the ones offered in Roulette when predicting the winning “Bonus Number”. Pre-order or pre-purchase your EverLOT numbers, so you’ll never have to worry about missing any draws!
How to Play
Please note: EverLOT games are only available through the real money player selection of our casino software.
To start, select the desired EverLOT game you wish to play. Each EverLOT game contains three cards for you to make your number selection – EverLOT “649 Numbers”, EverLOT “Bonus Number” and EverLOT “Bonus Group”. Play with one to three cards at one time. Purchase as many numbers you wish to play for the EverLOT “649 Numbers” and EverLOT “Bonus Number”. Both cards include optional betting features for quick play, such as “Random” number selections and “Predefined” shape number selections. “Bonus Group” cards gives you the opportunity to bet on sets of numbers similar to roulette such as Odd/Even, Small/Big and Dozen Play. To win on “Bonus Group” cards, your set of numbers must match the winning “Bonus Number” derived from the corresponding official lotto game you had pre-selected.
Play Options
649 Numbers:
Select any numbers from a field of 1 to 49. With this card, you can purchase up to 49 numbers at one time. “Random” number selections or “Predefined” shape number selections are available for this type of card. Only 6 numbers out of the 49 numbers will be winning numbers.
Bonus Number:
Select any numbers from a field of 1 to 49. With this card, you can purchase up to 49 numbers at one time. “Random” number selections or “Predefined” shape number selections are available for this type of card. There is only 1 winning “Bonus Number” from the field of 1 to 49.
Bonus Group
Select the option of either Odd or Even. Odd or even numbers are automatically selected from the field of 1 to 49. There is only 1 winning “Bonus Number” from the field of 1 to 49.
Select the option of either Small for numbers ranging from 1 to 24 or Big for numbers ranging from 25 to 48. There is only 1 winning “Bonus Number” from the field of 1 to 49. If the official Bonus number is 49, the House will win for both Small and Big purchases.
Dozen Play:
With “Dozen Play”, there are four options available that group 12 consecutive numbers out of the first 48 numbers. Choose from one of the following options: “Low” for numbers ranging from 1 to 12, “Mid-Low” for numbers ranging from 13 to 24, “Mid-High” for numbers ranging from 25 to 36 or “High” for numbers ranging from 37 to 48. There is only 1 winning “Bonus Number” from the field of 1 to 49. If the official Bonus number is 49, the House will win for all “Dozen Play” purchases.
Pay Table
Play Options | Pays |
649 Numbers | 6 to 1 |
Bonus Number | 43 to 1 |
Odd/Even Number | 1.85 to 1 |
Small/Big Number | 1.85 to 1 |
Dozen Play | 3.7 to 1 |